Vestigium Services Limited was founded and is headed by CEO, Paul Aggett
Paul Aggett brings a wealth or experience from his extensive career in the Financial Services Industry at executive level. Paul and his anchor clients share the belief that going further to locate ‘gone away’ customers not only meets the Financial Conduct Authority’s principle of ‘Treating Customers Fairly’, but will lead to more opportunities for Financial Services companies, ultimately helping to re-build consumer trust in Financial Services Industry.
‘Gone away’ customers include those who have moved address, but also those who are deceased. Dependants and beneficiaries are in many instances not receiving their entitlements to accounts or under Life Policies as in many cases they are not aware of their entitlement.
The Financial Times quoted a ‘vast sea of unclaimed assets’ across the industry.
The ABI’s release into lost pensions (2018) detailed that there is likely £20 Billion aggregate value in lost pensions alone. This is a staggering 50 times the previous estimate of £400 Million.
Vestigium, agreeing with the FCA analysis for Pensions, tables a reserved estimate of at least £40bn aggregate value of lost assets across the whole Financial Services Industry. Re-uniting even a portion of this figure will have significant benefit for the general population and the UK Economy.
Locating ‘gone away’ customers has been an historic stumbling block for the Financial Services Industry, with efforts confined to ‘digital search and matching’ leading to vast numbers of legacy ‘gone aways’ and deceased customers residing continually on the books of Financial Institutions.

Movements by the regulator, and media releases by representative bodies such as the ABI, have led to greater scrutiny into this issue, meaning institutions are now looking to make serious in-roads to their ‘gone away’ population.
Paul firmly believes in the “do it right, do it once” adage, which underpins Vestigium’s work, and staff ethos.
For Financial Institutions, Vestigium treats the root cause of ‘gone aways’ whilst at the same time providing a cost-effective tracing service, with a high discovery rate.
Our Team
Chris Little
Julie Pallister
Paul Aggett
Our Team