It is easy nowadays for you to lose track of your assets and it can be difficult for financial institutions to keep up with their increasingly mobile customer base. You may have moved address and not notified your bank, or even had an account opened for you as a child that you didn't know about until recently.
No matter what has happened, an asset that is marked as yours is still yours, and our institutional clients want to do their best to keep up to date with your changing circumstances. How can we help make sure you are connected?
Vestigium supplies its clients with an extensive tracing service for the strict purpose of asset reunification.
We re-research information on our client’s lost customers to provide them with up-to-date contact details so that they can communicate effectively and ensure assets do not become ‘unclaimed’ or ‘lost’.
You can help us help you by volunteering some simple personal details (names and historic addresses) to Vestigium Services’ consumer database. This service is 100% free to the consumer and we will never ask you for payment details of any kind. Our business is supported by fees paid by our client base.
Volunteering your details will improve our researchers’ chances of locating you should you appear on one of our clients’ lists of lost customers. We will never use your details for anything but asset reunification.
We will continue to screen your volunteered details against details of lost customers. In the meantime, there are things you can do to help yourself locate lost assets/policies or to stay in touch with assets/policies you already have. To get you started, we have put together a breakdown of where you can start, or simply if want to check what you do have and where.
Financial Accounts
The best way to keep track of all accounts is to simply write them down. Make a list of all your accounts and policies, then attach it to the front of all your paperwork. Keep it in a secure and safe place. That way when you need to reach out you have a clear understanding of your position.
Stocks & Shares
If you have only dabbled in stocks in the past, it can be hard to keep track of what a company is doing now and what that stock is worth. Businesses are always evolving, being taken over or rebranding. This can make it very difficult for shareholders to keep track of their investments as well. We suggest contacting companies directly as they will keep a record of all their shareholders. If you need a new certificate, they can do that too.
Insurance Policies
For the latest information regarding your insurance policy, you could either contact the company directly, speak to their trading association or more simply, let us do the work for you with our tracing service.
Work with Vestigium
Help us help you. It is our mission to keep financial institutions in contact with their customers or to help re-connect the lines of communication where contact has been lost.
We work to save you time and effort in writing to multiple different providers looking for something which is lost, and we do it FOR FREE.