Vestigium Services cannot tell you if there is a match or not.
If there is a match, the financial institution will be in contact with the relevant person directly. Vestigium Services will not be able to respond to any questions or queries regarding the match. Please do not request this information by email, telephone, or in writing. Again, this is to protect you and your data. If there is a match, you may not be able to access the money immediately. See below for details.
It can take time
Don’t expect to get a match straightaway. This is a continuous process, as we are gaining access to more and more information on gone away customers all the time. Your details will be matched against new information as it is added. If your data does not match to one set of information, there are still hundreds more that could hold money belonging to you. The details that you have submitted will be held indefinitely, so please make sure that you keep them updated.
Even if a match does occur, it can still take many weeks. Financial Institutions have to be 100% sure that they are matching with the right person and so the checks involved can take time. Please be patient.

What if there is a match?
Vestigium Services will alert the appropriate financial institution about the match.
The financial institution will undertake checks to ensure that they are matching against the right person. They will want to contact you directly. You should ensure that you are speaking with a bona fide institution before sharing your personal details.
If after the checks the financial institution think they have the right person, they may ask you to make a decision on what to do with your money.
If you are already in touch with the financial institution (for example, if it’s a current account and the financial institution already has all of your correct details) they may not wish to waste resources by making contact with you again, you will just continue to receive your communications as normal.
If you provided the details for your parents or grandparents, there could also be
1. A match against a relative (parent or grandparent) that is alive
The financial institution will not communicate with you at all about this. They will conduct their checks as normal and then contact the relative directly. This is to ensure data protection legislation is not breached.
2. A match against a relative (parent or grandparent) that is deceased
The financial institution will request certain documentation from you to establish the legal beneficiary.
If the deceased person made a Will, any assets will be distributed according to the will.
If the deceased person nominated a named beneficiary as part of the policy, any money will be distributed according to this.
If the deceased person died intestate (without making a will). Any money will be distributed according to these rules. The financial institution may or may not be in touch to request documentation (death certificates etc) so that the legal heir can be identified and paid.

Your money may not be immediately available
If the match is against a Pension policy for instance, the usual rules regarding the pension policy will apply.
Sometimes policies are only payable upon death, so this is another example of when a policy may not be immediately payable.
What happens if I don’t get a match?
If there is not a match, you will not be contacted by Vestigium Services or the financial institutions.
Your details will be retained and checked against new information provided to us by financial institutions.
Is some of this wealth yours?
Register your family’s details FOR FREE and we will compare your information with the details of our caring client’s lost customers. Remember that your parents, grand-parents, or other relatives may have held financial services products that you are unaware of but entitled to.

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